Known Issue: Media Bar (Chrome Network Throttling)

Known Issue: Media Bar (Chrome Network Throttling)


Known Issue - Browser Throttling

By limiting their usage to conserve memory and power, modern browsers may impact the performance of the OpenMethods product and its features. 

Our team will closely monitor any adverse effects resulting from updated browser settings, and we will continually update our list of known issues with any new discoveries and their corresponding solutions.

Please also see Chrome Memory Saver




OpenMethods previously provided solutions to Chrome Network Throttling issues when settings were activated by default in the Chrome browser. Chrome has since changed and deleted those settings. We provided a fix in a later release which has helped the issues listed below. However, there are still underlining problems that impact the Harmony Media Bar.



The Chrome and Edge web browsers have internal logic, intended to save energy, which can reduce timer-triggered event handling to once-per-minute on a browser tab it that tab is out of focus.


In environments where an agent may habitually toggle between other browser tabs and applications to do work. When the tab is out of focus for too long, the throttling can lead to delayed notifications in Media Bar or not allow screen pops from PopFlow to be delivered. The same is true when locking the workstation and leaving the browser out of focus for a period of time.



  1. Media Bar Timer stops or slows on locking the system/workstation.
  2. Users may see a Finesse error or greyed-out login button, which prevents login. (For Cisco Integrations)
  3. Missing Screen Pops from PopFlows


  1. No known workaround. The OpenMethods team is actively looking to find solutions for the issue.



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