Getting Started with Zendesk & Experience Cloud

Getting Started with Zendesk & Experience Cloud

The following instructions will help new Zendesk users integrate their Zendesk with OpenMethods.

1. Create Zendesk Instance 

A Zendesk CRM instance must be created in the Configuration Server.  

2.  Zendesk CRM Connectivity Settings

Minimal setup is needed for the Zendesk CRM Connectivity settings. 
  1. Add the Site Url and Rest of Endpoint.  Typical REST API endpoint will be: 
    1. https://<your_site_domain>

3. Setup User Groups and CRM Users

The mapping ensures that our Experience Client application gets the correct settings for the mapped CRM User.

4. CTI Agents to CRM Mapping

Note: even though there is no physical CTI connection, this entry must be created and mapped to make this work from a structure standpoint.

5. Install Experience Client

  1. To set up OpenMethods Experience Client, the OpenMethods Zendesk Extension App must be installed into your Zendesk Instance.
  2. Navigate to the Zendesk Market Place ( and search for “OpenMethods”.
  3. Then click Install.

Extension Settings

  1. Once it is successfully installed, fill out the Extension settings.
  2. Title: You can use the default value.
  3. API Key: The API Key can be found on your Application Manager API Key page.

OpenMethods API Key

Navigate to 

On the left-hand side, select the Settings Icon and Select the API Key Section:

Add the copied key to the API Key in the PopFlow Client Zendesk install.


This is the Customer subdomain assigned to your OpenMethods AppManager URL.

Role Assignment:

Select the roles you would like to be able to access this extension.

Group Assignment

Select the Groups you would like to be able to access this extension.

6. Experience Client in Zendesk

You can render the client once you have successfully set up Zendesk properly. You will see the PopFlow extension loaded on the Top Navigation bar. Behind the scenes, we use the API Key to get a JWT token from OpenMethods Application Manager.  This JWT token allows us to make requests to our services to get things like Workflows, Events, Customer Settings, etc.
Once you allow it will redirect and eventually reach the PopFlow client screen.

From here, it is business as usual.

7. Authorizing Zendesk within Experience Designer

1. Navigate to the Zendesk instance you would like to modify and on the Design button.
2. Authenticate your account.
This will prompt you to enter your Zendesk Credentials. Be sure to enter an Admin account since it will access the Zendesk REST API in the PopFlow Activities.

PopFlow Event Listeners

Did you know PopFlow can capture the following events? When one of these events is detected, it should invoke the following event in PopFlow if it wasn't created by one already:
  1. On Ticket Event
  2. On New Ticket Event
  3. On User Event

Ticket Events

For more details on Zendesk Ticket events, please check the Zendesk Documentation
  1. ticket_assignee_group_id_changed
  2. ticket_assignee_group_name_changed
  3. ticket_assignee_user_email_changed
  4. ticket_assignee_user_externalId_changed
  5. ticket_assignee_user_id_changed
  6. ticket_assignee_user_name_changed
  7. ticket_brand_changed
  8. ticket_collaborators_changed
  9. ticket_comments_changed
  10. ticket_conversation_changed
  11. ticket_custom_field_[custom field ID]_changed
  12. ticket_customStatus_changed
  13. ticket_due_date_changed
  14. ticket_externalId_changed
  15. ticket_form_id_changed
  16. ticket_postSaveAction_changed
  17. ticket_priority_changed
  18. ticket_problem_id_changed
  19. ticket_requester_email_changed
  20. ticket_requester_externalId_changed
  21. ticket_requester_id_changed
  22. ticket_requester_name_changed
  23. ticket_sharedWith_changed
  24. ticket_status_changed
  25. ticket_statusCategory_changed
  26. ticket_subject_changed
  27. ticket_tags_changed
  28. ticket_type_changed

 User Events

For more details on Zendesk Ticket events, please check the Zendesk Documentation
  1. user_alias_changed
  2. user_avatarUrl_changed
  3. user_details_changed
  4. user_email_changed
  5. user_externalId_changed
  6. user_groups_changed
  7. user_name_changed
  8. user_notes_changed
  9. user_role_changed
  10. user_signature_changed
  11. user_tags_changed
  12. user_timeZone_changed
  13. user_[custom_field_key]_changed
  14. user_organizations_changed

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