Enable IP whitelisting in Zendesk for Experience Designer

Enable IP whitelisting in Zendesk for Experience Designer

To provide its services, OpenMethods Experience Designer utilizes Amazon Web Services (AWS). 

If IP restrictions are in place on Zendesk, it's necessary to add the AWS IPs to ensure OpenMethods Experience Designer functions correctly. 

To enable network traffic from these services, you need to allow them on your network. 

This article provides guidance on how to determine the required IP ranges for OpenMethods to operate smoothly.


Zendesk Restrictions Settings

Determine if your Zendesk instance has IP restrictions by viewing the following: 

  • AccountAdvancedIP Restrictions
  • If the box is checked, you must continue with this whitelisting tutorial. (See Screenshot Below)




You may have to request your network administrator to modify the authorized IP ranges on your network.



IP Ranges

To download and filter the full list of IP ranges

  1. Use the instructions on the Amazon website to download the JSON file that contains all AWS S3 IP ranges. 
  1. The resultant list will appear as follows:
  1. Use these instructions from Amazon to filter the list of IP address ranges for the OpenMethods-specific AWS regions:
  1. us-west-2
  2. us-east-1
  3. eu-west-3
  1. Now, you can work with your network administrator to ensure the required IP ranges are freed and entered into Zendesk under the Allowed IP ranges field. 

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